Mass attendance reservation

If you have not read the detailed guidance about the changes to attending mass, please click here to do so now.

Unfortunately, due to the current situation with the Covid pandemic, it is considered necessary to re-introduce sign-up sheets for mass. Initially, this will apply to the Christmas masses, and be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

To help administer this, and to give you confidence there will be space for you, we are operating lists to reserve places. However, unlike last time you cannot assume that you can just turn up and book in – all places will have to be assigned beforehand – so please book in either through the internet or by ringing the office. The list may be removed prior in advance of the published mass time so that printed versions can be produced for the welcomers, but if you have missed that deadline, please turn up anyway and you will probably be able to be accommodated and you details taken on the day.

You may reserve places on behalf of others who don’t have access to the Internet. You can put the same contact details for all people in your group, although you will have to enter them one at a time.

Please note that if you are signing up several people in your family, you can use the same contact details, but please sign them up under their own names.


If you subsequently find that you will not be able to attend, please email to let us know so we can offer your place to others. stating the particular mass and what name(s) you registered under.

If you have any difficulty using the sign-up sheet or other aspects of the site, please contact For general questions about reopening and attending mass, please contact

(Note that any data you supply will be used for this purpose only. In accordance with data protection regulations and GDPR, you may request details of any information we keep about you, and request its deletion.)